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Intimamente Bella

Ubrenal El Corral Dr Collado

Ubrenal El Corral Dr Collado

Regular price $6.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.50 USD
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Ubrenal El Corral Doctor Collado. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointment. Relieves rheumatic conditions. Recommended for mastitis. This ointment is scientifically formulated to provide antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits. It has shown an effective reduction in symptoms related to rheumatic conditions, making it a recommended choice for those suffering from mastitis.

  • Type: Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointment.
  • Primary Benefits:
    • Provides antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Effective in relieving rheumatic conditions.
    • Recommended for managing mastitis.
  • Scientific Formulation: Formulated to offer targeted antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Usage: Helps reduce symptoms related to rheumatic conditions.
  • Effectiveness: Demonstrates significant effectiveness in alleviating symptoms of mastitis.

Way of use: Clean well the udder or affected area, apply ubrenal giving a massage and soon put hot cloth by 15 minutes, do this 2 times per day.


  • Turpentine---------------------8g
  • Camphor Crystals--------------3g
  • Methyl Salicylate---------------2g
  • Eucalyptus Oil------------------2g
  • Liquid Guaiacol-----------------2g
  • Excipients CSP------------------100g
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5-7 days.